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Trademark Name Search

Need to secure your brand? We offer expert trademark name search services

Trademark Name Search Service

Trademark name search is a process of verifying the existence and uniqueness of a proposed trademark before filing an application for registration Through the online database of the Indian Trademark Registry with commercial it conducts this search on the record of both written and surviving markers. The objective of the review is to identify existing trademarks that are identical or similar to the proposed mark, which may challenge or challenge the registration system’s proper Trademark designation requirements helps ensure the likelihood of proper registration and avoiding potential legal conflicts.


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FAQ Looking For Something Else?

The following sources are the most frequently requested.

1. What is a trademark name search?

A trademark name search is a process of checking whether a particular name or symbol is already registered as a trademark by another entity.

2. Why is a trademark name search important?

Performing a trademark name search helps avoid legal conflicts and potential infringement issues, ensuring that your chosen brand name is unique and legally protectable.

3. How can your services help me?

We provide comprehensive trademark name search services, utilizing advanced tools and expertise to thoroughly examine the availability of your desired brand name and minimize the risk of legal complications.

4.What happens if my chosen name is already trademarked?

If your desired brand name is already trademarked, we can assist you in exploring alternative options or navigating the process of securing permission from the existing trademark holder, if applicable.

5. How long does a trademark name search take?

The duration of a trademark name search can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the search and the jurisdiction involved. However, we strive to deliver efficient and timely results to meet your needs.