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Section 8​​

Empowering Affordable Housing: Section 8 Services

Section 8 Services

Section 8 deals with the registration of amendments to the Memorandum of Association (MOA) or Articles of Association of the Society. As per the Societies Registration Act, 1860, societies registered under this Act may, from time to time, amend their MOA or rules and regulations to reflect changes in their objects, governance process, or performance requirements. Section 18 sets out the specific procedure for making such changes. Requires that any amendment to the MOA or the rules and regulations of the association must be appropriately passed by resolution at a general meeting of the association, called for that purpose. The resolution must be voted in favor of a majority of the members present at the meeting in accordance with the rules laid down in the articles of association. Once a decision to amend is passed, Section 18 mandates that a copy of the amendment, along with a copy of the original MOA or rules and regulations, be filed with the Organizational Registrar or the designated authority within a specified period. The Secretary then reviews and records these changes, updating the association’s official records accordingly. This framework ensures that states in India can adapt to changing circumstances, change their objectives or business strategies, and remain compliant with regulatory requirements while successfully pursuing their stated objectives . . . . Thus Section 8 of the Registration of Societies Act plays an important role in the governance and flexibility of registered societies in India.


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FAQ Looking For Something Else?

The following sources are the most frequently requested.

1. What is Section 8?

Section 8, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program, provides rental assistance to low-income individuals and families to help them afford housing in the private market.

2. Who administers the Section 8 program?

The Section 8 program is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in partnership with local Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).

3. How does Section 8 work?

Eligible participants receive vouchers that subsidize a portion of their rent. They are then free to find housing in the private rental market, with the voucher covering the difference between what they can afford to pay and the actual rent.

4. Who qualifies for Section 8?

Eligibility is based on income level, with preference given to households with very low incomes, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and families with children.

5. How do I apply for Section 8?

Applications are typically submitted through the local PHA, which determines eligibility based on income, family size, and other factors.